Strategies to take control of your wealth

Tax strategies

Learn how you can benefit from investing in tax-advantaged plans, such as a TFSA, RRSP and RRIF.


When faced with high inflation, fluctuating interest rates and higher taxes, Canadians can feel the pinch. But there are things you can do to take control of—and build confidence in—your financial future.

You can’t control tax rates, but you can strategize where your wealth goes

Paying taxes is one of life’s certainties, but you can still make the most of your income by investing in tax-advantaged plans, like a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) or Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF).

Here are some suggestions on what to do with these programs.

Catch up on unused contributions

Take advantage of any unused TFSA and RRSP contribution room as soon as possible. That way, you can benefit longer from tax-free investment growth. Your investment income is never taxed in a TFSA—even when you make withdrawals. And with an RRSP, you’re only taxed when you eventually make withdrawals. Make sure you confirm your available TFSA and RRSP contribution room with a qualified tax advisor.

Make your annual TFSA contribution

Every Canadian aged 18 and older automatically receives additional TFSA contribution room each year they’re a “tax resident” in Canada—it’s not tied to your earned income like your RRSP.

As of Jan. 1, 2025, you can contribute another $7,000 to your TFSA for a total of $102,000 since the TFSA was introduced in 2009 (assuming you were at least 18 in 2009).

You have until March 3, 2025, to make 2024 RRSP contributions and receive a tax deduction you can use on your 2024 tax return.

Take control of your wealth

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Let your RRSP grow

You must convert your RRSP into a retirement income source (such as a RRIF) by the end of the year in which you turn 71. You can convert it sooner, but if you have sufficient income from other sources, you may wish to consider waiting. That way, you let your RRSP continue growing on a tax-deferred basis.

Reinvest RRIF payments to earn tax-free income

If you have a RRIF, you’re required to withdraw a minimum amount annually, which is taxable at your marginal rate. If you don’t need the income, consider reinvesting your RRIF payments into your TFSA (if you have TFSA contribution room) where they can earn tax-free investment income.

When you need the income, you can make tax-free withdrawals. The amount you withdraw is then added back to your available contribution room the following year.

Reduce future tax with a spousal RRSP

Do you expect your partner to be in a lower tax bracket during retirement? If so, consider contributing some or all of your available RRSP contribution room to a spousal RRSP.

When you contribute to a spousal RRSP, you receive the tax deduction. The income your spouse earns within it is generally taxed at their lower rate. This can help reduce your combined taxes.

Even if you’ve already converted your RRSP into a RRIF, you may still be able to contribute to a spousal RRSP if you’ve earned income. You have until Dec. 31 of the year in which your spouse turns 71 to do so.

You can’t control interest rates, but you can control how you turn them to your advantage

On the one hand, you don’t want higher interest rates when you’re paying them. If you’re in that situation, consider how you can pay off higher-interest debt or switch to lower-interest options where possible.

On the other hand, higher interest rates are great when you’re being paid interest through fixed-income investments like bonds and Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs). In addition to offering interest and principal repayment guarantees, bonds and GICs are paying higher interest than they have in years, making them much more attractive for investors seeking income and stability in their portfolios.

You can’t control stock markets, but you can control how you react to them

As an investor, it can be difficult to stick with your long-term plan during times of economic uncertainty. It’s only natural to feel nervous, but by avoiding the urge to “panic sell,” you may benefit over the long term as, historically, the markets trend upward.

A qualified advisor can help you navigate the ups and downs of the markets, guide you through the advantages of each tax-advantaged plan and help you decide which one best suits your needs.

This article was updated in Jan. 2025.

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